OB48 update’s advance server’s registration already started. Many leaks regarding ob48 update has arrived. Let’s checkout key highlights:
New Lobby Musics:
- Original Lobby – Holi Version
- Legendary Midnight Ace lobby music
- MyZone lobby music
- Ramadan 2025 lobby music
New Look Changer:
- Midnight Ace Look Changer
New Hyperbook:
- Midnight Hyperbook
New Antihack system for Guild:
This guild has too many cheaters and is banned from tournament
Guild War in Lone Wolf and Clash Squad
Anti-toxic system:
Unfriendly behavior detected. You cannot crouch in {0}s. Please be friendly.
New Voice System Coming! Probably you can use your own voice in few voice pack, but it is not confirmed yet as I have received few texts indicating this:
- Network error. Failed to connect to the voice server. Trying to reconnect now…
- Uploading
- Uploading voice log
- Upload interrupted
- File operation error during voice log upload
- Successfully uploaded
- Please quit the current team/room to upload again
- Already uploading. Please try again later.
- Network error during voice log upload
- Initializing voice SDK. Please try again later.
- Server error during voice log upload
- Upload started. Please do not close the pop-up window.
- Voice log upload timed out
Leaks on New Luck Royale System:
Key of Destiny
Use diamonds for one or multiple spins at the Basic Prize Pool. If you choose to spin multiple times and win the Key before all the spins are used, the unspent diamonds will be refunded.
You will not win the same basic prize twice. After the Key is won, the remaining basic prizes will be awarded, and the Basic Prize Pool will reset.
Use the Key for a free spin at the Premium Prize Pool. Prizes obtained will not be repeated.
Guaranteed Key in {0} spin(s). Use it for a free spin at Premium Prize Pool.
The Key can be exchanged for a free spin at the Premium Prize Pool
Premium Prize Pool contains premium prizes. You will not receive the same premium prize twiceMulti-Box Token (MBT) Royale (indicated by bronze hexagon icon)
- Spin to win: Prizes (directly), Multi-Box Tokens (MBT), or other prizes from the list on the left.
- Multi-Box Tokens (MBT) can be exchanged for prizes from the Exchange Store on the right.
- Multi-Box Tokens (MBT) can be used universally in all Multi-Box Token (MBT) Royale events.
- For most Prizes, winning ones you already own will convert them to Multi-Box Tokens (MBT).
Evo Vault Update:
Within every 100 spins, an Evo Gun (Level 1) is guaranteed to drop.
New Event: Midnight Ace
- Midnight Ace has started
- Tap to claim Reputation Points and receive progress rewards!
- Midnight Ace Has Started!
- Midnight Ace Is On! Join and Get Rewards!
New Event: Ramadan 2025
Participate in the Ramadan 2025 event and get tons of prizes!
Skill Card Adjustment:
You’ve already equipped the same skill as the Skill Card. Skill cooldown is reduced instead.
Holi Event Themed Airdrop:
- The cyber airdrop has been transformed into a Holi Tanki! Capture it for loot and cyberpoint!
- Holi Tanki Airdrop
- Experience a blast of color in game!
- Holi Hai!
New Character:
A brilliant, even slightly overachieving student by day and a beloved vigilante by night. With his flashy physical prowess, Oscar leaps through the shadows to take down the evil.
All these updates are leaked.
Nice nice nice 🙂🙂👍🙂🙂
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